Gatton Kindergarten

19 North Street, Gatton Q 4343
Telephone – 07 5462 1496

  • Gatton Kindergarten
  • Gatton Kindergarten
  • Gatton Kindergarten
  • Gatton Kindergarten
  • Gatton Kindergarten
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The Gatton Kindergarten was founded in 1955, built in 1960, and is maintained by the Gatton Kindergarten Association Incorporated; ie. By the parents of the children attending each year.

We are a community based association, situated in the heart of the Lockyer Valley in South-East Queensland Australia. All income reinvested is for the benefit of the children and the community. Unlike private services, or corporate child care who must make profits for shareholders, our services are not for the profit or gain of individual members.

The Kindergarten caters for children aged 3 to 5 years who are of pre-prep age. Parents may register their children any time from birth by completing a Waiting List Booking Form and paying the $20.00 Booking Fee.

We currently have two rooms (Units) which cater for up to 48 children per day (22 - 26 children per day) with a maximum of 96 children being enrolled across four groups.

Gatton Kindergarten is licensed under the Childcare Regulation 2003 and the Childcare Act 2002 (Qld). The educational program is implemented by University qualified Early Childhood Education teachers with the knowledge and skills to maximize children’s learning through a play-based emergent curriculum.

The program and facility is overseen by an Early Childhood Consultant from QLECS Head Office in Brisbane and by visiting officers from the Office of Early Childhood Education & Care (Qld).

Gatton Kindergarten participates in a Quality Improvement and Accreditation System administered by the National Childcare Accreditation Council.

Gatton Kindergarten Gatton Kindergarten Gatton Kindergarten Gatton Kindergarten


Central Governing Body

Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Services (QLECS)

Gatton Kindergarten

QLECS supports and consults with the committee and Service Leader about the running of the Kindergarten including financial, staffing and compliance matters. The Children’s Services Manager (QLECS Consultant) is part of the QLECS Operations Team and he/she will work closely with the staff of the Kindergarten, ensuring smooth operations and administration by QLECS. The Children’s Service Manager provides assistance to the Kindergarten through curriculum support, approval assistance, grant applications, staff support and advice, financial administration and support, and other areas as needed. QLECS has been approved by the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care to be a Central Governing Body. As a Central Governing Body (CGB), QLECS will provide the following services and support:

  • Ensuring that the Kindergarten complies with the Approved Kindergarten Program Providers Guidelines and meets the Funding Eligibility Criteria;
  • Supporting the delivery of an inclusive quality Kindergarten program by ensuring priority groups are able to access the program;
  • Promoting increased participation through universal access to a quality Kindergarten program;
  • Collecting and collating data for the State Government; and
  • Supporting good governance practices.